ESL Education and Outreach

The Eastern Shore Laboratory (ESL) supports a wide variety of educational activities ranging from single-day field trips to multi-week classes for students from a diversity of institutions. Instructors and students from VIMS, William & Mary, and numerous other colleges and universities in Virginia, other states, and other countries use the field station for classes. ESL staff also host a variety of public-education activities throughout the year, including an annual Marine Life Day in September.  Additionally, thanks to generous local financial support, ESL is home to a summer paid internship opportunity for local high school and college undergraduate students.

K-12 Outreach

Please contact:
Meadow Noonan
[email protected]

College Level Field Trips
Please contact:
Sean Fate
[email protected]
William and Mary Field Course
Please contact:
Dr. Richard Snyder
[email protected]
Summer Internship Program
Please contact:
Hollis Parks
[email protected]
Public Monthly Seminar Series
Please contact:
Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield
[email protected]